Circuit Swamp

News Projects Techniques


What is this all about?

I have a large number of home built electronics projects languishing in dark forgotton corners. Eventually they appear to sink without trace never to be seen again. This site documents some of the more interesting items.

The Techniques pages provide an introduction to soldering, construction and faultfinding, to assist you in producing working equipment.

Alan Waddington M5AMN

Breaking News

Custom FreeExtractor added to Projects.

Note that many references on the Projects & Techniques pages refer to content that is yet to come. It will be announced here when it becomes available.

16 April 2004

Custom version of FreeExtractor utility for Pocket PC application installation added to projects.

26 August 2003

Tilt Java game added to projects.

25 August 2003

Pixie 2 Transceiver project added to site.

23 August 2003

Homepage for the site installed, but no useful content as yet.

21 August 2003 domain goes live