Circuit Swamp

News Projects Techniques



Perhaps you want to build something, but are not sure where to start. Maybe you already are an experienced constructor looking for a solution to a specific problem. In either case there may be something of interest on this page.

For a more thorough introduction to electronics I recommend The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill


Safety First

Hot soldering irons and high voltages can present safety hazards. Review these safety tips to help avoid accidents.

Static Hazards

Electronic components can be damaged by static electricity. Avoid damaging your integrated circuits with these handy hints.


- Components
- Soldering
- Construction
- PCB Manufacture
- Fault Finding


An introduction to electronic components.
How to solder, including surface mount components.
Construct electronic circuits without using a printed circuit board.
Layout, artwork and production of your own circuit boards.
Test equipment and how to use it.


- Java WAP programming


How to write software for your phone without spending money.